Sometimes we need a little clarity with what is going on…
Maybe we may need to be aware of new possibilities…
I offer 30 or 45 minute online readings of your choice (Psychic and/or Mediumistic) for clarity and inspiration from your soul or the Spirit world.
A psychic reading can allow you to connect to your inner psyche (soul), while a mediumship reading can allow a connection from a loved one from the other side to take place. I bring a grounded approach to evidential readings that allows the intelligence of your own soul (Psychic) or your loved ones in Spirit (Mediumship) to inspire you with messages relating to your current situation. Your only job will be to answer “Yes”, “No”, or “I don’t know” as we explore what is going on.

My training over the past 10 years has been primarily influenced by UK tutors.
A reading with me would consist of a series of evidential statements allowing perhaps a new perspective. I don’t prescribe, predict, diagnose or advise in our readings and please keep in mind you always have free will to choose in your life. In a mediumship reading, we don’t know who may come through, but the person from Spirit who does will be there to address the need in a way they feel is relevant for you at that time.
If either one of us feels the reading isn’t working within the first ten minutes, we can stop the reading and either rebook or the cost would be refunded.
Respect for the Spirit world is paramount, and the mutual appreciation of the soul is essential for a good reading. These attributes form the foundation for our successful, inspired session together.
In a way, I’ve always been drawn to a spiritual life.
My sense of the spiritual world was very subtle but present from a very young age. Communication with Spirit was quiet but frequently felt rather than seen or heard live. For years, I read through various books of interest including indigenous life, the paranormal, angels, reiki and healing energy, the animal world, religion, astrology, tarot, numerology. An automobile accident in my mid-twenties resulted in an accelerating awareness and an emerging desire to serve the Spirit world with others. Currently, my concentration is focussed upon providing readings privately and in public demonstrations.
Feedback from Client Readings
“I just wanted to thank you for the reading this morning. You provided such a safe and calming experience for me.
I really like the style of how you do your sessions. – K.O.
“Tim was able to pinpoint childhood events that gave me the skills to be able to instinctively gauge people and atmospheres, which helped me as an adult, especially at work. He was absolutely correct …
He told me of my positive relationship with my boss at work …
Tim said that I have sat in open circles and was able to give somebody a brief, accurate reading when doing a course on mental mediumship. There was no way he could have known that …
Tim hit the mark so many times – I haven’t included everything here – and I was left completely happy with my reading and very impressed with Tim’s own connection to his spirit team.” – C.W.